Lead Practitioner Course Interest

Register your Interest

This course consists of 6 sessions that are kicked off with a Launch Session and finishes with an Application Support Session. Sandwiched between these sessions are four Touch Point Sessions. 

For Swift Members the course will cost: £450

For Non-Swift Members the course will cost: £600

There will be four deadlines throughout the course that will be brown down as listed below:

  • Deadline for submissions
  • Feedback sent to applicants where more evidence required
  • Deadline for final evidence from applicants and resubmission
  • Moderation and quality assurance complete

If you would like further information please get in touch with us: hub.admin@tcat.education


02 Jan,2024 -  31 Jul,2024
09:30:00 -  12:30:00
The registration period is from 15 Dec,2021 00:00:00 to 09 Jan,2024 12:00:00


Location Details